An interactive installation

August 9th- September 4th 2022

558 St. Johns Place Brooklyn, Ny 11238

Contributors Kemeya Harper and Nick Demopoulos


“Tinuade Oyelowo conducted a performative exercise: she wore a different type of lipstick color each day while working at a publicly front-facing job. The original aim of this exercise was to question performance constructs and to see with whom and how interactions would occur during this experiment. Out of these conversations came a reality that myself as a black body could not be separated from the canvas. This brought up other ideas of Americana and symbolism. How it has managed to separate itself from the black body, which is an integral part of its history and existence.”

-Five Myle Gallery


This 12ft.x12 ft. interactive sculptural installation was housed behind a gated area of the gallery. Blaxulted evoked questions of how society fails to protect Black women. Working with a proximity sensor, a tool that can receive data from the distance of a spectator, the viewer is acknowledged by an installed LED system that reacts to the individual walking in front of the gated area where the sculpture is supported.